Monitor WiFi Hotspots

Bastille enables organizations to constantly monitor their airspace for RF emissions; this includes the ability to monitor WiFi hotspots, as provided by portable WiFi or mobile WiFi devices.

Monitoring for WiFi hotspots and other RF-enabled devices until now has been the province of specialized professional service offerings and not available as an Enterprise Service. Customers using Bastille Enterprise have continuous awareness of the RF devices in their airspace, the activity and location history – and this includes WiFi hotspots.

Bastille's full spectrum RF monitoring enables physical and cyber security teams to monitor wifi hotspots, and alert on location and usage to ensure that Internet access to network devices does not occur without their knowledge. 

Balint Seeber, Director of Vulnerability Research at Bastille Networks discusses how to monitor WiFi hotspots.

Examples include

  • Monitor WiFi Hotspots
  • Monitor Cellular Hotspots
  • Monitor Bluetooth Hotspots


Bastille Audit is a 30 day review of an enterprise’s corporate airspace and in addition to revealing potential cyber-threats for data exfiltration, Bastille Audit will provide constant monitoring for wireless hotspots.

To request a 30 Day Bastille Audit call 800.530.3341 or complete the form below: